Monday, October 20, 2014

Random Acts Of Kindness

A strange twist of events happened yesterday. Wendy and I were planning on having two friends over for supper but they had to cancel around 1 p.m. because one of them was feeling ill. Usually this only happens after they sample my cooking! All the food was in place and we would have been swamped with the quantity, so Wendy had the luminous idea to invite two other friends over. To protect their identity, I'll refer to our two new invitees as Meara and Patrick.

Meara (not her real name) went on a hiking adventure in Scotland this past August with her mother and a friend of her mom's. It was one of those treks where you hike all day and then spend the night in an inn. Along the way you drink beer and talk to sheep. I suspect that there was also plenty of talk about Scottish independence in the pubs, perhaps even with the sheep in the moors.

Meara (not her real name) very kindly purchased a tin of Walker's shortbread as a gift for Julian and me. This created a dilemma. I'm flying back to New Brunswick today, so do I leave the shortbread for Julian or take it for myself?

I might typically leave it for Julian but when I saw the image on the tin, I knew it had to go back to New Brunswick with me. Why, you ask? It's because that tin of cookies MUST make it back to my mom's room at Pine Grove. My mom is, after all, the Queen, and if they're going to use her likeness on their shortbread tin then she needs to know about it. She also needs to sample the product to give it the Queen's seal of approval. Oh, and there's one more reason that she should receive this gift from Meara (not her real name) via me....

Yesterday was Mom's 87th birthday!

Julian, forgive me for 'stealing' the shortbread and taking it back to Queen Mootha, but I'm pretty sure that you'd do the same. While on the subject of Mootha, a big 'shout out' to auntie Joan for stopping by the nursing home to visit my Mom on her 87th birthday.

To Meara (okay, okay, it is her real name) and auntie Joan: two random acts of kindness that make the world a better place for all of us. Thank you!

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