Thursday, October 23, 2014

Some Good News Regarding Windsurfing In New Brunswick

Yesterday was one of those days that could have gone horribly wrong for a New Brunswick windsurfer. The wind forecast looked promising, and that's often a recipe for disaster. Originally it was supposed to blow from the northeast at 40-60, though the Fredericton forecast was downgraded to 30 km/h. One can still have fun at 30 km/h...if it happens. The Saint John forecast held at 40-60, so Grand Lake had the potential to be great. The temperature was slated to reach a searing high of nine degrees and that's bordering on problematic for my tender folk guitarist hands. Did I mention rain? Torrential rains were forecast as well. To cap it all off I couldn't interest anyone in going windsurfing with me (in fairness to Crazy Dave Cuthbertson, he was working).

In consultation with myself I made the executive decision to windsurf on Grand Lake. At this time of year Grand Lake is warmer than the Washademoak, and there was no point driving to Saint John to windsurf with myself. Grand Lake is at its best on a nor'easter.

I arrived at Robertson's Point and found that one thing which had eluded me all year....wind. Wind! I 'assessed the situation' as expert athletes often do, and decided to rig my 5.2 and attach it to my 106 litre board. I hit the water and never looked back (you're more likely to wipe out when you look backwards). I windsurfed for about an hour and a half. I was planing 100% of the time, there were nice jumpable waves and my hands never got too cold. The water was a comfortable temperature in my snug 5/3 wetsuit, and it didn't start raining until I got off the water. Bonus.

Amazingly, this was the only good day of windsurfing that I've enjoyed this October. It would be nice if I could have included an image of me windsurfing but as a solo sailor I had to leave the camera in the car. I did manage to film a short video after the fact. As a crackerjack meteorologist, I just couldn't resist.

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