Friday, October 17, 2014

Hogtoberfest 2014

It's October and we live in Toronto.

Toronto is also known as Hogtown.

Therefore we must celebrate Hogtoberfest!

I was walking along Harbord Street in Toronto the other day when I noticed a white van parked along the street. Because I'm quite nosey, I looked inside the van. On the dash was a box of posters with an amusing look to them....a pig dressed up in Octoberfest garb. Because I have a very small and simple brain, I found this greatly amusing.

The side of the white van had some sort of beer company writing on it, and at the back two men were toiling away at something beer related. I walked past the van and then I stopped dead in my tracks. 'I want one of those posters', my little brain thought to itself, so my even littler legs took my little brain back and we asked for one.

The beer dudes kindly gave us one and we were on our way. In this blog I have modified the poster to make it look as though we we're hosting a Hogtoberfest at our condo. Rest assured, we're not, but the poster is pinned to our fridge and will remain there for the remainder of Hogtober (though Wendy will likely take it down the minute I leave town!).

It's no secret that I'm not a fan of cities but I've got to admit that the posters are, at times, quite humourous/uplifting/confounding/creative. There's no shortage of them in Toronto and you'll surely be seeing more of them in my blog. Until then, enjoy Hogtoberfest! Soo eee.

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