Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Bruce Trail With Bruce (How Apropos)

The trail is well marked.
Thanksgiving Monday was dark and overcast but the showers had stopped so we decided to go for a walk. Bruce and Patti's house sits at the base of the Niagara Escarpment making it the perfect location for launching ourselves onto the Bruce Trail. The Bruce Trail is a footpath that follows the escarpment from Niagara to Tobermory.

Did you know that the Niagara Escarpment is responsible for Niagara Falls? Yhhhhhhup, it's true (I think). Did you know the Bruce Trail was named after our friend Bruce? Nhhhhope, not true.
Amelia, Patti, Bruce.

The rock formations are very escarpish.

Bruce on Bruce.


Simply gorgeous.

The leaves are turning here, but not as advanced as N.B.

Bentley Hone, the golden doodle, got into the burdocks!

Hard to believe we're in Hamilton, ON...right in the city!

The view from the top of the escarpment. Too bad it wasn't a clear day as we would have been able to see Toronto.


  1. Trivia: guess who tweaked the BT logo ;) but that was, like 15 years ago so it could probably use another nip & tuck

  2. You invented/designed the Bruce Trail arrow (see first image)? Impressive, kind of.
