Friday, October 10, 2014

Planet Toronto

I've arrived in Toronto completely unprepared to write a blog, just like every other morning except that I'm in a different city without an image to post. I'm wholly unprepared. 

"Holy, he's unprepared."

I've been unprepared many times in the past. It's during these times of inspirational or situational starvation that I resort to that age old remedy....I steal. Today's blog video is one that I saw about a year ago. It's a time-lapse video called 'Planet Toronto'. It's the best that this city has ever looked. The cinematography is highly creative and, quite frankly, stunning. Clearly it was done with an astounding amount of patience and creative difficulty. The results were worth the effort.

You've seen the Rob Ford 'movies' of the take a look at Toronto the good.

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