Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Mysterious World Of Fashion

Okay, so you've got your pretty boy clothes on, you smell good, your hair is perfection, and then you strike a killer pose....

Now what? what?

When I saw this ad in EnRoute magazine I laughed out loud. Actually, I didn't laugh out loud because you're not legally allowed to laugh on any domestic Air Canada flights. The Air Marshall will 'take you down', and if he's not on board then an angry flight attendant will slap you to pieces (and not serve you a drink), just sayin'.

I really want to know what a person does now that they've attained absolute perfection in pose. Does this model stay motionless until someone of the fairer sex comes along and carries him home? And based on this picture, which is the fairer sex anyway? Or does our beautiful man stay in this pose just for a couple of minutes, then get undressed and redressed into his pyjama pants, pour himself a bowl of Cheerios and turn on Coronation Street (i.e. get a real life)?

Can anyone tell me what the next move of this man is going to be?

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