Saturday, October 25, 2014

I Can't Get No (windsurfing) Satisfaction....Usually.

Here's an excerpt from an e-mail I sent to Wendy yesterday after my windsurf....

Brace yourself......
I had a spectacularly great day of windsurfing on Grand Lake today. The best in years! I was there from 10:15 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and the wind never failed. Planing 98% of the time. Dave was out with me and Blain joined us for the afternoon.

Wendy, in fairness to her, has put up with my whining about windsurfing for over 20 years. She deserves a positive report once a decade, at least. Things rarely go as planned with windsurfing. Forecasts rarely materialize. Gear breaks. Wind dies. Back hurts. I whine.

Yesterday was the rarest of days when one talks about windsurfing in southern New Brunswick. It was.....perfect! Sure, it could have been a bit warmer, but it was warm enough. I can die now (my hands feel like they already have).

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