Thursday, October 30, 2014

The End Is Near

I really shouldn't have used such a doomsday title for today's blog but it's a fact that my rock wall building days are coming to an end. There are two reasons for this sad event:

1) the pending sale of my car/wheelbarrow/dump truck (they're one in the same)

2) lack of walls needed to be built.

Addressing point #2, I have to acknowledge that I can't keep building rock walls on my property. At some point I have to say 'enough is enough'.

Enough is enough. It kills me to say that, but it's true. I don't want my place to look like it's encircled by the great wall of China (made in China, btw). I don't want my place to look like the Romans invaded either (secretly I have great respect for Uncle Hadrian). My roamin' neighbour has invaded on numerous occasions, but she only has rocks in her head (if that!).

With regard to my car/wheelbarrow/dump truck, I'm not interested in licensing/insuring/maintaining two cars, so one them has got to go. It's either the dump truck or the windmobile, and nothing trumps the windmobile. The order of my priorities will always be:

1) family
2) windsurfing
3) rock wall building
4) whining (see #2)
5) blog (see #4).

Today's image shows the start of the last rock wall that I'm building for the calendar year of 2014. Since this picture I've add a couple more layers, but the light was yucky so I'm sticking with this autumnal image of salvation through rock. The end truly is near, and it saddens me. Rock wall building has been the best 'therapy' for me in years. I'll leave it to you to decide whether I'm talking physical or mental.

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