Friday, February 14, 2014

A Walk In The 'Woods'

 Queen's Park Walk

The only thing more miserable than a boring three minute video is a boring six minute video. I decided to Chipmunk this video by speeding it up by a factor of two, thus cutting the misery in half. The video is for the benefit of any nonagenarians who might happen to be viewing this blog (you know who you are) since a trip to Toronto is not in the immediate offing. As for the rest of you, don't waste your time watching this video. Just visit and you can experience the glory of the Toronto wilderness, in winter, in real time.

This video chronicles the last six minutes of the 20 minute walk from our condo to Wendy's office. The video starts at the base of Queen's Park and terminates at the office of Professor Nielsen. Queen's Park is the closest I ever get to an outdoor experience in Toronto. Three real time minutes of trees and grass (or snow)...yippee! Like Bill Bryson's novel 'A Walk In The Woods', his account of hiking the Appalachian Trail, I encountered no bears but was well aware that they were likely in the vicinity.


  1. I recognize some of those woodsy trails (or should I say, paths. Say hi to the Professor :-)

  2. Ian; great chance to cut some hardwood ole buddy! The Honda Death Trike has chains now, so we can skid logs right down them there paths; don't even need the snow-mo-bile.

    HillWilliam Jim

    1. Looks like my blog has reached the backwoods of New Brunswick. Do I detect a faint smell of gypsum?

  3. All that white dirt? We ship it off out of here to Torona to bulk up the toothpaste and yogert. They really have no idea what we stuff into their food. Sometimes it is in the deodorant, but I never touch that stuff... well, I drink a little bit to chase the Aqua Velva.
