Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nine Teas

I'd like to give a big welcome to Darjeeling, orange pekoe, chamomile, mint, Chai, Rooibos, Assam, Oolong, and Boeing 747 (Earl Grey??).

The nine teas have arrived.....for my Dad. Welcome. Congratulations. How does it feel?

Today is my Father's 90th birthday. Born in England in 1924...long time ago in a far away place. He made it through childhood without his older brother using him in some sort of twisted science experiment (let's poison little Billy with some rancid Yorkshire pudding and then check the toxicology levels of his blood). He survived World War 2 and came out with a global view of the world, no tattoos, a love of accents (except his own), and the exact opposite feeling to those with are plagued by PTSD.

He clambered beyond his working class mates and made it not only through university, but he earned a PhD. Impressive.

The best thing my Father ever did was marry my Mother. Of course, this is purely selfish on my part. Equally selfish, I'm thankful that they moved to Canader and learned to drop their arrrrs except when speaking French or tossing nurses. Merrrrrrrrrrrci.

What's he saying?

Who, me or my Dad? My Dad is saying 'thank you', and so am I.

Is it a big deal to be 90? Statistically, yes! Only about one percent of the population makes it to the age of 90. Roughly three quarters of those who do are women (this is good news for Sewell assuming he'd go for a 90 year old, and not a younger nurse, in a 'pinch'). Of those who arrive at 90, the vast majority drag along a list of ailments with them.

My Father is 90. He's not a woman, though not everyone is convinced of this ("just one question...are you a man or a woman? Where's me Mootha?"). He's in excellent physical shape and the only bags he carries are full of healthy groceries. He shovels his driveway. Mows his lawn. Tends to his garden. Most importantly he visits his wife every day at her nursing home, exhibiting a level of love, caring, and compassion that keeps him in yet another elite 1% group.

Is your old man one of those 1% mucky mucks? Is he a role model/godfather figure to scumbags like Kevin O'Leary? Did he make his fortune off sub-prime mortgages? Does he drive a mercedes and not a shabby of Ford Focus? Did I live in a tent in front of Fredericton's city hall for two month to protest your Father's lifestyle?

Absolutely not. He's part of the 99% most of the time. It's only his age and attitude that makes him part of Club 1%.

He must have some faults, for Choristoneura's sake? No one can be that perfect!

Oh, for sure. He spent his working life slaughtering helpless little spruce budworm by the billions.

Aha! Genocide!! Has he been tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity?

My Father's only crimes against humanity are the occasional groaner puns. I remember once when I was feeling Dad told me ten puns to cheer me up, but no pun in ten did.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

That's the nicest thing you've said to me since I started this blog. Thank you. I mean merci.....merrrrrrrci.

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