Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Rust Rumped Raptor

You might look at a bald eagle and think 'it's not bald'. If you turn the pages of history back far enough, you'll find that the word 'bald' means white. The white headed eagle eventually became the bald eagle.

The red-tailed hawk's label is a tad more obvious, though methinks it's a bit more orange or rust than red.

This picture captures two things which have been elusive this winter: close encounters with red-tailed hawks....and blue skies.

This image was taken from my 17th floor balcony. The hawk was spiraling in ascending circles just above my level. Glorious. It's interesting to note that when I look at all of my images of the hawk, it almost always keeps its head level to the ground, even when carving hard turns. This is no stunt pilot or joy's a killing machine looking for its next meal.

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