Monday, February 17, 2014

Knee Deep In Care Bear Territory

There is an explanation in life for everything, with two exceptions:

1) the purpose of this van beyond transporting the litigious Care Bears to and from court.

2) the hip-hopeless trend of wearing one's pants around the knees.

I simply can't explain either.  I suppose I can't really explain the popularity of country music either, though I don't consider it to involve much thinking. In the case of the van and the pants down Piglet, it's clear a lot of thought went
into the planning. But why?

P.S. if you're wondering why the Care Bears would need to go to court, then I suppose that I'd better tell you that the Care Bears sued the Message Bears in December of 1983. New York City judge, Leonard B. Sand, concluded that the Message Bears lacked the "heart-shaped 'toushee tags'" used to identify the Care Bears, and the Care Bears case was thrown out.

A fascinating legal precident, but ultimately costly, time consuming and pointless, not unlike this morning's blog. You'd better, metaphorically speaking, pull up your pants, Ian, or you'll lose your readership and expose your lack of.............umm......'talent'.

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