Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Gap

When Julian's teeth first came in, we noticed a healthy gap between his two front orthodontist's dream! As he matured into the teen years and got his adult teeth, the gap remained. We decided to bite the bullet and have some dental work done.

Over the years we spent $15 000 to close the gap, enlisting the services of Fredericton's most self-inflated orthodontist as well as a prosthodontist who looks vaguely like David Bowie.

That's pretty freaky.

Both our dental specialists live in over-sized mini-mansions. One of them owned a jet for a while. I like to think that we paid for the champagne served in the cockpit. Make no mistakes, I'm delighted that Julian's teeth were 'fixed' and I have no regrets. I'm pretty sure Julian is happy with his teeth too. He should be, but I often wonder what might have happened had we not closed the gap. How would his life have been different?

Would he have gone into modeling?

Might he have become an Olympic athlete, winning medals in both the summer and winter Olympics? And would he have been fast on ice...going forward, that is?

Maybe a pro football career followed by a stint as a television celebrity? And look at Kelly....'lovely'.

Or perhaps a career as a musician?

Yes, Julian could have been like Elton John if only we had left the gap intact, but clearly we made an effort not to keep him as, or 'turn' him into, Elton John. I don't think Julian particularly likes Elton's music anyway, so it's a good thing. He's more into the music of Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin. This comment should have him spinning, but still not turned.

Mamma Mia! What a bizarre and cryptic blog this morning. 

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