Sunday, February 16, 2014

Acting Educated

This sign appeared on the security fence around the perimeter of a French school in Toronto's dodgy Moss Park neighbourhood. Wendy and I walked past it on the way to work yesterday. I found it both amusing and a tad troubling.

I can imagine nefarious (English) types being discouraged by this sign. When I say nefarious types, I mean hawkers, horkers, anyone involved with Capital One credit cards, telemarketers, televangelists, Teletubbies, the people who create the attack ads for the Conservative Party of Canada, and finally the Conservative Party 'brain trust' who order the ads in the first place.

To address the last group mentioned, I say 'what a bunch of assholes'. I mean that...WHAT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES. Their marijuana ad starts with the sound of school bells ringing and young children playing, then a doe-voiced mom expresses her concern with Justin Trudeau's plan to make marijuana legal and available (just like alcohol and tobacco) to recreational users. She's concerned about Trudeau's plan to make marijuana easier for her children to get. The mom in the ad sounds really lame. In fact, I think she might be high herself because she sounds unnaturally mellow for someone who's worried her toddlers might be smoking doobies with the leader of the Liberal party! In reality she sounds like a childless actress who does voice-overs for panty liner ads. She can take her 'wings' and ascend to the Harposphere for all I care.

The ad is revolting, misleading, unkind, and unCanadian. It's also what we've come to expect from the Harpuppets. It's a good thing Stephen Harper is from Texas or, as a real Canadian, I'd be mightily upset with him. I might be tempted to butt end him with my lacrosse stick, or short pour the Duffy cream in his double-double.

If you haven't heard the ad, then you can hear it by following this link:
Note: it's the second sound file (CPC Radio Attack ad - Marijuana).

What's mostly troubling is the dishonesty of this ad. It sounds as though it was personally written by a prorogued Parliamentarian who thinks it's okay to sip $16 orange juice while floating on a raft the size of Pamela Wallin's travel budget in a $2 million fake lake. It's fantastical. Remind me again, who's on dope? Ultimately the ad says more about Stephen Harper than Justin Trudeau. In fact, the Liberal Party should run this same ad for their own benefit because, to my ears, it's an attack ad against those who Harp.

Entry Upon This School Site For Any Purpose Inconsistent With The Education Act Is Prohibited.

No doubt Harper and the doe-voiced mother worry that the Education Act will be amended to allow for doobie sales in school cafeterias.

Ummm, I'd like a hot dog, a bowl of jello, two cookies with sprinkles and a big, fat reefer.

I fully understand what the Conservatives are's called subterfuge. It's failing to address real issues by creating fake or misleading diversions to achieve one's goals. It's neglecting your own shortcomings by highlighting the perceived shortcomings of others. It's called winning at any cost. It's bullying. It's a symptom of a sick society. It's a lesson I wouldn't want taught in our schools.

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