Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Is Coming

I'm asking a simple question this morning....

Do You Like Christmas?

In order not to influence your response, I've chosen (borrowed) a particularly neutral image to use for today's blog image. you like Christmas?


  1. Oh absolutely through and through. Here is a link to a picture of me with my niece and nephew on my knee a few Christmases ago. As soon as last of the stale halloween toffee gets chucked, I know it will be a matter of only seconds before my teeth are crammed with fake stale fruit bits from Christmas fruitcake. Because it is 6 degrees and rainy from mid-September straight to mid-March in Vancouver, the only way we know it's actually winter is (1) when the Maseratis spin out on the road from Vancouver toward Whistler and (2) people start dragging Christmas lights up their halliards. Happy Green and Red Shopping Festival everyone!

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