Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Cityscape From My Balcony

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of visiting my condo, or sampling my cooking, here's something to whet your appetite (though nothing actually food related). 

Whet? Nobody ever seems to use that word anymore. I wonder why.

  1. 1.
    a thing that stimulates appetite or desire.
    "he swallowed his two dozen oysters as a whet"

I think I know's because most people can't afford two dozen oysters. Of if they could, they couldn't eat 24 oysters as a whet without hurling (wetting the porcelain).

I've somehow gotten away from the point of today's's simply to give you an idea of what my condo view is like (looking south toward the lake). It's another attempt to discover how to use my new GoPro camera effectively. I'm going to have to learn how to get rid of that annoying text (DCIM/100GOPRO) on the bottom of the screen. I didn't ask for it to be there, and it wasn't hovering magically in front of the camera when I was making this film. A lot of weird, inexplicable things happen when I attempt to use computers.

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