Monday, December 22, 2014

Laura Calder's Random Acts of Christmas: Video #3

I make no bones about the fact that the only reason that I show my face in Toronto is to hang out with Wendy. I'm not a city person. I feel lost in that environment. I have no tools. I have no workshop. I'm not inspired by the landscape, except perhaps to write about it.


I would be remiss if I didn't say a few words about the people of Toronto. There are two types of people in Toronto that I've discovered:

Group 1: those who I really like and find genuinely inspiring,

Group 2: those who I'd like to push out into traffic.

Group 1 is a very small segment of the population, but a very important one to me. They broaden my horizons, and I hope I do the same for them. Group 2 are predominantly texters, dawdlers and the huffy. I could pave the streets with Group 2.

This November/December I was fortunate enough to work with Laura Calder on a series of three videos. They were challenging, enlightening and motivational. They challenged my creative brain. They gave me insight into how to make videos, though the filming/editing was (happily) left to Kyle Richmond (he who knows what he's doing!). Working on these videos got me off my leisurological ass and had me walking the streets with purpose. They were, above all else, fun.

The Random Acts of Christmas project felt like a gift to me. It was, in effect, a gift to all of us. If these videos made you smile or helped you to think about making someone else's Christmas randomly special, then I'd say that we met one our goals. And on that note, feel free to click on today's image to be whisked away to an office building in Toronto where video #3 was shot, but before you go I'd just like to ask you one question....

What will be your random act of Christmas? If you do something, please let me know. I'll make it the subject of one of my Christmas blogs.

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