Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My (Killer) Beige Diet

I can't blame Christmas for what has happened to me, but at the same time I'd feel healthier and happier without Christmas. There are two main problems:

1) excess food
2) me.

Have you noticed how, at Christmastime, you eat like a looter? You eat whatever you can get your hands on, in quantities far exceeding what is necessary to sustain life. You eat to excess simply because it's there in front of you. You go back for seconds, as a given. Sometimes even for thirds!

If I ate the way I do at Christmastime, every day, I'd be obese in three weeks and dead in five. Christmas is a time of excess. Excess food, excess drink, excess gifts, excess emotion, excess happiness, excess unhappiness, excess gluttony. And not a salad to be seen anywhere!

By the time December 27 rolls around I'm desperate for a salad. I normally eat a salad every day, so going without one for three days feels like a gastronomic death sentence. Instead of eating fruit I eat donuts, truffles, chocolate, candies, cherry balls, shortbread, etc.

Christmas makes me feel like crap!

Now, I'll be the first to admit that no one forces sugary or fatty foods down my gullet. I am the guilty party. I am weak to the allure of Christmas treats. Oddly enough, the best Christmases I ever had were the ones when I went to Maui and California. It wasn't about the change of scenery. It was about the lack of Christmas goodies...and the abundance of mangoes.

So....what will I do next Christmas in order to avoid the beige diet trap? Probably nothing, though I am considering making a public statement by giving boxes of arugula as gifts. Someone has to initiate change.


  1. But we served salad and raw veggies on Christmas Eve.

    1. T'is never the fault of the gracious host(s), only the guest (me). I am so ill prepared to resist the non-green delicacies that I tend to eat with reckless abandon (although not as much as some unnamed family members). Your salad was superb, but the casserole and dessert were simply amazing (as always).
