Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Annual Varty-Nielsen Christmas Card (video)

You can write a good script. You can grab some good video footage. You can sing and play an instrument. You can...

Wait a're saying that you 'sing' in this year's Christmas video? I pre-screened the video, and I wouldn't call that singing. At least not good singing, although it's obvious you tried hard to make the song work. One might say you went 'flat out' in your vocal effort.

My point is that you can do everything right, more or less, and it all comes down to editing. I learned that this fall working on the Random Acts videos. It was equally true with our Christmas video. I handed Julian a pile of raw materials and he turned them into an excellent video.

Originally I had announced that I wasn't going to attempt to make a video that would match last year's, and I didn't. All things considered, however, I think we came quite close to matching last year's. It's the editing that made that possible. Thank you, Julian. Your editing was as good as your Keith Richards impersonation, which was bang on. That was my favourite part of the video. 

So...what's your favourite part? Click on today's image to watch the video.

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