Friday, December 5, 2014

Strutting Season

Following on the hooves of yesterday's blog about architecture and exterior art, I present this cityscape!

The house itself is tasteful, but nothing out of the ordinary by Toronto standards. There is something about it that is unusual and appealing. Oh, yes, it's the two moose on the roof!

It must have been a difficult decision for whoever lives in this house, whether or not to place a large fiberglass moose sculpture on their verandah, To place two ruminants on their roof....well, I would imagine that they ruminated a lot. Personally, I love the effect! Had they placed two drab bronze moose sculptures on their roof, then it wouldn't have been the same. Having a moose in a Leafs jersey....brilliant! Sadly, however, it confirms that moose aren't too bright. The other moose is wearing a Jays uniform. This one may be the brighter of the two bullwinkles, but not by much.

These two moose were part of a 326 moose strong herd that was created in 2000. Artists were hired to each decorate a moose which was then placed around Toronto as part of a publicity stunt - slash - art initiative. It worked on both accounts. I don't consider it a gimmick, as it made, and still makes, Toronto an interesting place to visit and/or live. Who wouldn't smile at the sight of two moose on a roof? I dare you to walk past this house without smiling. You couldn't do it.

I think Wendy and I should have something like this in our Cambridge-Narrows yard (or on our roof). Something big, bold, bright and irreverent. Any suggestions?

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