Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Write Stuff? Wrong. The Right Stuff...For Photography!

Somehow my blog has morphed into a playground into which I release my writing skills.

Don't get your feet muddy!

On some days my writing swings freely, feet joyously skyward, while on others they wallow in low level mud.

The blog, at one time, was more image-centric and less about writing. I suppose that means that my photographic skills are either waning or they're being supplanted by writing, but not this morning...

For the past five mornings I've been living in a dream world, not unlike Bill Murray in 'Groundhog Day'. I get up, look out the window, and see a consistently perfect scene across the lake. It was gorgeous again this morning, as it was yesterday morning when I took these images. It's a veritable pen and ink sketch across the lake, with the occasional wash of muted colour.

I'm living in a gallery!

Come to think of it, we all are. Are you happy with the gallery in which you live? Think about this question: are you the artist, the curator, or the art, or some combination of the three?

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