Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The 2014 Varty/Nielsen Christmas Card? Not Quite.

A long time ago I started a tradition of making my own Christmas cards. At first they were simple little productions with just a dash of Photoshop magic. Somehow they evolved into video productions that have become increasingly complex with each passing year. Last year's Christmas video involved three days of filming and an equal number of days for editing. Thankfully, Julian looked after the editing. 

Fast forward to Christmas 2014....

Julian is arriving home on Christmas Day. One can interpret this in many ways, but I see it as 'shit, how are we going to make a Christmas video without him'? The answer is 'we can't'. Wendy and I can't produce a quality video without his editing skills, so we're not going to try. And then there's his acting skills. Do I need to remind you about his stellar portrayal of Ralphie Parker? Okay, here goes...

I still chuckle every time I see Ralphie's wide-eyed, mouth agape look of disbelief at the 'stuck....stuck' horror of the tongue-to-pole fiasco. Oscar worthy.

Sooooooo....we've decided to 'buy some time' and release our Christmas video on New Year's Eve. We've also freed ourselves from giving it a Christmas theme. It might be about the new year. It might be about whatever we want it to be about. We're not going to tell you.

You still don't know what you're going to do, do you, Ian?

Nope, not a clue. Until we figure out what we're going to do, I offer you today's video. A teaser. A trailer. That'll have to keep you going until New Year's Eve when we post our actual video. If you need a 'hit' to keep you going, you can always click on Ralphie to watch last year's video again.

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