Monday, December 15, 2014

Laura Calder's Random Acts Of Christmas (Video #2)

Click on the above image to watch the video

They say it's better to give than to receive, but they have never been on the receiving end of a shiny new Easy-Bake oven. Let me just say, from experience, sometimes it's better to receive.

We tested the 'better to give than receive' theory during the writing and filming of Laura Calder's Random Acts Of Christmas: Video #2. Laura gave and gave and gave, and Peter just never seemed to be willing to receive.

So, Ian, what happens in the end? Did things get resolved?

You'll just have to watch the video! If you need more encouragement to watch this fun video, and you shouldn't because we all know it's better to receive than give (let's be honest), then let me just mention that I have a cameo acting role in this video.

Ian, you boldly state that it's better to receive than give. Are you forgetting about the M.C.Hammer pants, the tooth flossers, or the six aprons?

There are exceptions to every rule.

Wait a minute! You're an actor??

Yes, and also a talented fiction writer with a wild imagination who's prone to exaggeration.

Now I'm confused. You're 'giving' me a headache.

Just watch the's excellent!

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